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The first Abuse workshop (Interact 2005) received some press: "Even a chatbot can turn nasty," by Duncan Graham-Rowe in the New Scientist, the October 15 2005 issue (number 2521), p. 26.

CHI 2006: Misuse and Abuse of Interactive Technologies Workshop Papers


Click here for a pdf copy of the CHI2006 Abuse II workshop proceedings.

Interact 2005: Abuse Workshop Papers


Click here for a pdf copy of the Interact 2005 WS5 Abuse workshop proceedings. Individual papers can be accessed below.

Interact 2005 papers listed alphabetically

Antonella De Angeli & Rollo Carpenter "Stupid computer! Abuse & social identities" pdf (42k)

Christoph Bartneck, Chioke Rosalia, Rutger Menges, Inèz Deckers. “Robot Abuse – A Limitation of the Media Equation” pdf (393k)

Warren Blumenfeld “Cyberbulling: A New Variation on An Old Theme
pdf (116k)

Mark Blythe & Mark Jones "There’s something about email: Technological
and cultural interventions in the problem of inadvertent or casual
rudeness in email"
pdf (116k)

Sheryl Brahnam “Notes on developing strategies for handling customer abuse
of ECAs”
pdf (90k)

Radana Divinova "Cybersex as a form of computer mediated communication” pdf (65k)

Alan Dix et al. “Dark Lancaster” pdf (151k)

Bernard Geoghegan "The code of computers: Military discourse in computer and cultural theory" pdf (201k)

Tatsuya Nomura “Narratives and therapeutic conversational agents: Their
principle problems”
pdf (48k)

Peter Wallis “Robust Normative Systems: What happens when they fail?"
pdf (258k)

Massimo Zancanaro & Chiara Leonardi "A trouble shared is a trouble halved: Disruptive and self-help patterns of usage for co-located interfaces" pdf (70k)



Below are a collection of papers relevant to agent abuse but not published in the workshop proceedings.

Brigitte Krenn, Barbara Neumayr, Christoph Schmotzer, Martine Grice, "What we can learn from avatar-driven internet communities: Case studies on two commercial applications , 2006. pdf (616 k) Preprint.